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Relationship discussion questions for esl students

❤️ Click here: Relationship discussion questions for esl students

Where do you meet people to date? Opening up business conversations may be overwhelming for some of your students, but keeping it fun and informative will develop the perfect atmosphere for communication.

The research also showed how differently men and women dealt with problems. If you could enroll in a PhD program, with your tuition paid in full by a mysterious benefactor, what would you study — and why? If you could save one endangered species from extinction, which would you choose?

- The student then draws an X in the grid and play passes to their partner.

Business English is no longer only about stats, margins and PowerPoint presentations! Break those old business classroom rules, because this unique type of class has become a. As with any hot topic, it is constantly and quickly evolving. Companies and corporations, large and small, are expanding their , so employees from countries around the globe are seeking ESL skills that are vital to their professional growth. Your students may be from all walks of life, but chances are good that they are learning English to grow professionally at some stage. That being said, they are bound to have some diverse experiences in a wide variety of industries. Who knows where their English skills will take them? That is exactly why you should introduce them to a huge spread of business topics. Then they will be prepared, no matter what! But how can you best dig into those topics? How to Explore Business English Topics with Discussion is one key skill that can shoot them straight up the ladder. So, close those textbooks and that will build confidence and key business-minded ESL skills your students crave. Starting conversations with business-oriented questions in your ESL classroom will be a welcome break from the textbooks and worksheets they may be focused on for most of the week. Business topics—and essential questions about those topics—will build communication into your lessons effortlessly, and it will allow students to put vocabulary and grammar lessons to good, practical use. For example, if you spend most of the week discussing customer service and sales, make Friday a day to discuss those topics openly! To get these conversations off the ground, you will need to discern which are important for your students. What topics do they most care about? What is most immediately relevant to their lives? What is hot in the business world? Once you have identified these kinds of topics, you can easily keep communication flowing with deeper questions. Opening up business conversations may be overwhelming for some of your students, but keeping it fun and informative will develop the perfect atmosphere for communication. Challenge them to respond thoughtfully, in full sentences, and then keep it flowing naturally with follow-up questions that intrigue or expand the topic. After all, business English is not about long faces and statistical presentations. Show them a side of business English that will make them comfortable and excited to work. You only need to be a diligent teacher with and thoughtfully-crafted material that you researched and pondered yourself. But are you going to be asking the right questions? Ask yourself the questions you intend to ask your students. This does wonders for the classroom conversations to come. Do they get you excited? Do they spur creative thinking? Do they have multiple layers? What do you wish you knew about this? You can build on this, since the topic of English in business is familiar. Discussing the very nature of the relationship between business and English is an exceptional way to warm your students up for what is to come later in the lesson. Students are often asked why they are learning English, and having the ability to discuss the topic in a clear and informative way will do wonders for their confidence as well. To get warmed up, let your students ask you hypothetical questions about what you would do as a language learner, needing to use a foreign language in business. This will get them more comfortable, learning that you too would have the same challenges and fears when speaking another language for business purposes. You could also ask them similar questions related to their native languages. How are they important for business? After that, dig into the questions about English usage in the business world. Here are a few questions about how English is used in business. If so, what does that mean in your country? Do you feel that writing formal English is challenging? Are there any annual English tests that are mandatory for you to take in your company? What is your best story for this question? Conference Conversations Conferences are often an overlooked aspect of business English. Many students may be in your class for this very topic. Even if it is not a driving reason, they may well have an important conference in the very near future and want to prepare. Taking some time in your lesson to explain the types of communication your students will encounter at conferences is vital. Networking, detailed job descriptions, presentation discussions, gathering information and the general culture exchange are all key areas of a professional conference. It is also an excellent idea to your conference-goer students by explaining that conferences are usually fun and not so serious. Many business professionals find conferences exciting and a much needed diversion from the day-to-day grind at the office. Let your students explore opening conversations and networking before breaking out your arsenal of conference questions. Have them pair up and open discussions with their partners, allowing them to continue confidence building. Here are some conference questions for your students to mull over. Is it any different in your native language? What are some good and bad reasons you might miss a presentation or two? Why do you think that is? What are some great reasons to meet new people? Customer Service Situations Customer service is essential to businesses large and small. It is one aspect of business that may vary by country and culture, however, it remains the backbone in boardrooms worldwide. Exploring customer service with your students is an important attribute to this business English topic. Ask your students what customer service is like in their country and how they think it differs from other places in the world. Get their minds moving in the right direction while addressing all questions your students might have about customer service first. Since client or consumer feedback is so important, have your students give some feedback of their own about your service as a quick warm-up. This will be enjoyable for the students and you may even learn a bit of useful information about your lessons. What is your best, and why? Do you support these companies as a consumer? How is that beneficial to a company? Creating Company Culture What exactly is company culture anyways? This may be a question your students will enthusiastically ask and be eager for your answer. Company culture is an essential aspect to any company and your students will need to understand the value of a good company culture versus a bad one. On one side is good aspects of company culture, while the other side is for the bad and ugly side. Let your students respond freely as you write down their thoughts. They may think overtime is a bad aspect of company culture, but they may continue to work overtime at their current company. This would be an excellent question for those students, as to why they put up with bad company culture aspects. This topic could quickly turn negative, so keep your positives rolling in and move to your well-crafted questions after a bit of warm-up. If yes, how do companies steer clear of negative company culture aspects as listed on the board? Do you like it? Why are these important to you? Building Business Ethics Your eager business English students have most likely studied a bit of business ethics in their native language, so why not bring it to life in English? However, covering the main ethics that pertain to business today is important. Environmental issues, ecological responsibilities, labor rights, health and wellness are all components of business ethics trending daily. You can use soda beverage companies as a warm-up activity before delving into your other business English questions. Ask your students what soda they drink, why they drink it and if they think it is ethical for soda companies to sell sugary drinks linked to certain health problems? This will raise an eyebrow or two, as most of your students may not have considered the ethical side of things. Are there any business practices you may disagree with on an ethical level? How about good ones? As you can see, business English topics and questions are a fun way to provoke your students into thinking about the business realm in different or new ways. Engage your students and challenge them to look at the issues in business that are important to their future. Keeping your questions focused and having conversation building follow-up questions is an essential component to your lesson. Stephen Seifert is a writer, editor, professor of English and adventurer. With over 7 years of teaching experience to students worldwide, he enjoys the many aspects of culture and traditions different from his own. Stephen continues his search for writing inspiration, boldly enjoying life to the fullest. FTC Disclosure FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. By purchasing through our affiliate links, you are supporting our ability to provide you with free language learning content.

Talk About Relationships -phrasal verbs - (English Speaking)
How would you fix the economy. This exercise can be a great way to make working on writing skills less tedious. If students are not interested in any of the provided role-play situations, ask them to use one of the scenarios they came up with in the warm-up activity. Are there any household chores you anon enjoy. Does this change over time. Then read the nonsense and laugh. That is exactly why you should introduce them to a huge spread of business topics. Are you a starter or a finisher. What do you value most: free time, recognition, or money. Do you have different kinds of friends. For an even more basic lesson, have the students tell the class if they have siblings, what their spouse's name is, and so on.

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Site de rencontre facile et gratuit international 100

Site de rencontre gratuit & sérieux avec chat, forum et pages communautaires

❤️ Click here: Site de rencontre facile et gratuit international 100

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First world countries list

List of countries of the world

❤️ Click here: First world countries list

Robert Kohls, former director of training for the U. The use of the terms First, the Second, and the Third World is a rough, and it's safe to say, outdated model of the geopolitical world from the time of the cold war.

Contact: Copyright © 1998-2017 ::. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF COUNTRIES Including the latest Internet Indicators, Usage, Penetration Rates, Population, Size sq. Canada Geographically talking, Canada is one of the largest countries next to Russia which shares the largest border with the United States. This is the reality despite the fact that Mali has natural deposits of gold and uranium and is a major producer of livestock and salt.

Third World Countries - The result is a union of 28 Member States covering 4,324,782 square kilometres 1,669,808 sq mi with roughly half a billion people.

In this day and age where technology has modernized every aspect of human existence, it is hard to imagine that there are countries that seem to have never felt the effects of modernity and the benefits of human advancements. Others are plagued with economic turmoil, political unrest, and civil wars, making it hard for their nations to go and rise above and beyond the pangs of the poverty line. While Third World countries are now making strides in terms of economic growth, there are still others that are not catching up. Internal clashes of its residents, political problems, and geography are just some of the factors why these poor countries have remained poor for so long. Here are the 10 poorest Third World countries with the biggest economies, ranked by their Gross Domestic Product GDP per capita. But even with such status, Togo is still a poor nation. But decades of war, political turmoil, and civil unrest have made Afghanistan non-inviting and non-appealing to foreign investors. That said, Afghanistan has never lost a war, which indicates that this is a nation of warriors who are willing to fight to the death rather than surrender. Hopefully such attribute will translate into economic prosperity in the future. On top of that, the country has the makings of becoming a hub for hydroelectric power. But why is the country among the poorest in the world? Blame it on rulers who governed the country with an autocratic mindset, which contributed to widespread corruption and poorly developed infrastructure. Prior to its independence from French rule, Guinea was a major exporter of bananas, pineapples, coffee, peanuts, and palm oil. Adding to the fact are poorly developed infrastructure, the virtual absence of commercial networks, and lack of commercial investments. Even with their pristine beaches, Mozambique is struggling to become a hot tourist spot for beach goers. There is also the issue of poor sanitation, which causes serious health problems in the country. This is the reality despite the fact that Mali has natural deposits of gold and uranium and is a major producer of livestock and salt. Mali is also reliant on foreign aid. More than 60% of the population is believed to be involved with the drug business, acting as couriers or as conduits of the illegal merchandise from Latin America to Europe. It is said that the government is aware of these practices but employ little to less opposition to stop the drug trade in the country. Blame it on corruption within the government, limited access to education and career opportunities, and poverty. More than 80% of the Haitian population lives under the poverty line. The January 2010 earthquake, which jolted Haiti with a magnitude of 7. It is not enough to give resources. In fact most resources you do give up sadly will go to the corrupt oligarchies of those countries. In some of the countries listed above, it is so bad that the government has a habit of searching peoples houses and stealing the peoples food. Until we see a change in the countries government, we are incredibly unlikely to see a change in wealth. I am an American currently living in a third world country. I have been here for a year and I can tell you that there is no welfare or social safety net but people are doing fine without it. They respect the elderly and care for the disabled more than any government benefits program ever could. America has poverty of the heart and soul- these people are better off and happier , more grateful for the free things in life — the things that actually matter. Lack of money is not the only kind of poverty in the world today. This is super sad. In order to help the people in third world countries, we need to start truly appreciating what we have in america and start taking advantage of it. We also need to start sharing and not being stingy. I truly believe that we take a lot of things for granted from meals to cars heck even music. You can use these tags: This is a Gravatar-enabled weblog. To get your own globally-recognized-avatar, please register at. I agree to publishing my personal information provided in this comment. This is utilized by organizations to streamline fundraising efforts and ease logistical challenges to focus on establishing stronger donor relationships and driving more donations. It comes in various types depending on the campaigns you are… Version control systems are a category of software systems made for software teams to oversee the changes into a source code. It follows each adjustment made to the source code, who made it, and when it was made in a special type of file database. This is important for software developers working in teams and….

WTF! #1 - Are there second world countries?
The Meaning of 'Nation' and 'State' in the Fourth World by Dr. Other indicators Varying definitions of the term Zip World and the uncertainty of the term in today's world leads to different indicators of First World status. This site has information about all the countries in the world. Like many countries with colonial pasts in Africa, Latin America, Oceania and Asia. And why is our music met world music. The relationship between the First World and first world countries list Third World is characterized by the very definition of the Third World. As corporations become larger and multinational, their influence and interests go further accordingly. But why is the country among the poorest in the world?.

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